Inspired, Creative Charcuterie
Creating globally-inspired food experiences that delight the senses, activate the soul, inspire others, and deliver a meaningful impact to the world, one artistic cheeseboard at a time.
“tout est art”
Our Philosophy
Nature knows best. We believe in finding natural, healthy, high-quality, and ethically sourced ingredients. We like to use organic, artisan-quality, hand-crafted foods that are minimally processed and free of harmful additives and chemicals.
Nature is the perfect canvas for food art. Our creative expressions are designed to be a source of inspired living and help create a sense of community and camaraderie.
We are champions and advocates for culinary artists, small business entrepreneurship, inclusion, and diversity. We support and collaborate with diverse suppliers, local farms, co-ops, and women and minority-owned businesses in much of what we do.
Environmental responsibility is ours. Whether it’s our compostable packaging or our choice of suppliers, we practice and promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.
We’re committed to social and food justice for all. We believe that everyone has a right to dignity and respect and fundamental access to fresh, healthy food. We donate to and sponsor organizations dedicated to helping end food insecurity. Learn more about how you can participate in our Food4Good program.

Get Inspired by Our Latest Creations
Find Your Favorite Way to Brie Kind
There’s no“one-size-fits-all”approach to what we deliver. Instead, we welcome you however you find a fit. From an individual sized charcuterie purchase, to investing in yourself and learning to make your own charcuterie magic, to sharing the gift of Brie Kind Charcuterie with others as a rewards member, we aim to offer a little something for everyone here.
Master Classes
You’re a person who recognizes good food when you taste it, and you’re curious about the pairings of flavors, colors, and textures. You also appreciate a well-designed board and want to elevate your charcuterie game! You may even know a thing or two about charcuterie, and that it has evolved quite a bit from 14th century France. You even help others pronounce it (shaar·koo·tr·ee). If this sounds about right, our Master class series is built for you!
Become a Brie Kind member and learn about more ways to unlock exciting perks. Join our Rewards Member Program and receive your all access pass to exclusive rewards, current events and happenings.
We’re focused on building an inclusive community that shares a common purpose and a philosophy that values fairness, equity and giving back. We regularly feature some of our favorite thought leaders, suppliers, organizations and causes.
Let’s Be Social

We absolutely love imagining new ways to create memorable culinary experiences! Do you have a fun idea for a party, gathering or corporate event?
Reach out to us below, we’d love to help!